It has been a wild ride for the last two years. I would have never guessed all that would happen so quickly and with such pounding in my world or in the world.
It has caused me to look inside more, to have my beliefs exposed, tested, confirmed or abandoned. What amazes me is that I realize how much life is to be enjoyed and that comes in the simple moments that can be so easily taken away. Yet, even when something is no longer available or part of your life there is still always something wonderful to embrace and you better recognize it, embrace it and appreciate it because the landscape of your life will change before you know it. These last two years have taught me that everything really will be ok. You don't know what tomorrow may bring, so many unknowns, but you have everything you need. You are Always in the Prime of Life. Fill your heart , mind, and soul that you can be free flowing to others and not be needing them to fill you up. Live your life to your hearts desire (and let others do the same). Determine the direction of your moments, days, years, life. Walk it out with grace and dignity, forgiving all along the way so that you can Enjoy the Journey, have all the fun you want. Living Inside Out |